Endeavor Technologies is uniquely positioned to service the spindle motor or axis motor from your Mazak CNC machine. Our longstanding relationships with Mitsubishi and with Mazak have resulted in an unrivaled familiarity with the motors from these machines, old and new.
Does your HTC400 require a spindle motor with an B112F frame, or a B112FU frame? We know the difference, and keep both in our exchange program. Has the spindle motor on your VCN510 failed prematurely? We can help you determine why and prevent it from happening again.
Call us at 630.562.0300 for immediate service or see our exchange inventory for a replacement!
If you need to get up and running in a hurry, we stock exchange spindle and axis motors for most older Mazak machines including all the old Quick Turn lathes, the horizontal machining centers such as the H400, H500, H630, and H800, the verticals such as the AJV18, AJV25, AJV32, and AJV35, and many more.
Our Epox-E-Pak insulation system can dramatically extend the life of your motor winding in your Mazak integral spindle. Check out our Epox-E-Pak page for a list of some of the machines for which we have already constructed Epox-E-Pak molds.